Code: 160568
Puregiene Mould Exterminator's unique, super-wetting formula, provides consistent, reliable results in mould remediation every time. Its powerful stain removal can be seen almost instantly when applied to mould affected surfaces. Mould Exterminator penetrates deep into the affected surface and completely destroys the mould hyphae and root system. This ensures A 100% clearance report on every mould remediation job. Another unique benefit of Mould Exterminator is that it is a safe, ready-to-use product. No more mixing required.
Benefits and features:
• Disinfects bio-contaminated surfaces.
• Kills mould (including roots and hyphae) and removes the staining.
• Penetration – To provide complete mould removal of target surfaces, this powerful anti-microbial package has been combined with super-wetting technology. This enables the Hypochlorous Acid to penetrate faster and deeper into the inner structure of fibre and porous substrates.
• Cleaning – Mould Exterminator provides outstanding cleaning power to remove the accompanying organic grime. Almost instant stain removal with no scrubbing.